Monday, July 23, 2012

Smear of the Other

Charles Krauthammer explains the smearing of Romney by the Obama campaign is to produce fear
The presumptive president of the United States has secrets. Since his sudden appearance on the national scene, at the Democrat National Convention in 2004 Democrats have questioned his eligibility. That’s correct the so-called “birther” question started with Democrats not Conservatives and surely not with Republicans who are too afraid to question the president’s eligibility because of their fecklessness. Democrat and Attorney Phillip Berg first raised the question of the president’s eligibility the question was so concerning to him that he has filed numerous law suits attempting to get to the bottom of the Barry Hussein Soetoro secrets.

What is extremely curious is, the Obama Media Complex has no interest in the presumed president’s secret pass. To the contrary a group of “journalist” who when by the pseudonym Journ-o-list conspired to do all they could to discredit anyone who would attempted to uncover the secrets of Barry Hussein Soetoro. (sources here, here andhere)

Oh, and - surprise! - it turns out that the "O" in JournoList stands for "Obama." In 2008, participants shared talking points about how to shape coverage to help Obama. They tried to paint any negative coverage of Obama's racist and hateful pastor, Jeremiah Wright, as out of bounds. Journalists at such "objective" news organizations as Newsweek, Bloomberg, Time, and The Economist joined conversations with open partisans about the best way to criticize Sarah Palin.

The president doesn’t feel that he can run on his accomplishments so the Liberal playbook calls for him to smear his opponent. It’s interesting that the pro Soetoro media meme is that Gov. Romney has secrets when the president has been hiding secrets from the American people (with the media’s help) since at least 2004 if not before. Follow are just 10 of those secrets.

10. State senate papers. In the 2008 primary, Obama criticized Hillary Clinton for not releasing papers from her eight years as First Lady--but failed to produce any papers from his eight years in Springfield. “They could have been thrown out,” he said.
9. Academic transcripts. His supposed academic brilliance was a major selling point, but Obama (by his own admission) was a mediocre student. His GPA at Occidental was a B-plus at best, and his entering class at Columbia was weak. Can he prove his merit?
8. Book proposal. Obama’s literary agent claimed he was “born in Kenya”--for sixteen years. His original book proposal exists--biographer David Maraniss refers to it--and seems to have embellished other key details of his life. Yet it has never been released.
7. Medical records. In 2000, and again (briefly) in 2008, GOP presidential candidate Sen. John McCain released thousands of pages of his medical records. Obama, who had abused drugs and continued smoking, merely provided a one-page doctor’s note.
6. Small-dollar donors. In 2008, the McCain campaign released the names of donors who had contributed less than $200, though it was not required to do so. But the Obama campaign refused, amidst accusations it had accepted illegal foreign contributions.
5. The Khalidi tape. In 2003, Obama attended a party for his good friend, the radical Palestinian academic Rashid Khalidi. The event featured incendiary anti-Israel rhetoric. The LA Times broke the story, but has refused to release the tape--and so has Obama.
4. The real White House guest list. Touting its transparency, the Obama White House released its guest logs--but kept many visits secret, and moved meetings with lobbyists off-site. It also refused to confirm the identities of visitors like Bertha Lewis of ACORN.
3. Countless FOIA requests. The Obama administration has been described as “the worst” ever in complying with Freedom of Information Act requests for documents. It has also punished whistleblowers like David Walpin, who exposed cronyism in Americorps.
2. Health reform negotiations. Candidate Obama promised that health care reform negotiations would be televised on C-SPAN. Instead, there were back-room deals worth millions with lobbyists and legislators--the details of which are only beginning to emerge.
1. Fast and Furious documents. After months of stonewalling Congress, Attorney General Eric Holder asked President Obama to use executive privilege to conceal thousands of documents related to the deadly scandal--and Obama did just that. (see source)

In the following video journalist Charles Krauthammer discuss the smearing of Gov. Romney is to produce ignorance and fear in the voting populace thereby affecting the elections in favor of Soetoro. (see 1:21min video)

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