Friday, August 10, 2012

CBS says “Romney Killed my Wife” ad is a Smear!

A Democratic attack ad unfairly suggests that Mitt Romney is to blame for the death of a woman whose husband's plant was closed by Bain Capital.'s Brian Montopoli points out the flaws in this argument.

How low will Barack Obama go to win re-election? Well according to News outlet CBS’s Brain Montopoli Obama and his Super PAC will stoop to lies on their opponents to win. Who didn’t know that?

Listen to the lies that Obama continues to propagate against Gov. Romney via Joe Soptic in the Bain Capital Smear. (see 3:57min video)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

The truth about Bain: Rep. Paul Ryan sets the Record straight

Rep. Paul Ryan, Chris Wallace and former Obama Economic Adviser Austan Goolsbee on FOX News Sunday. Goolsbee attempts to smear with Democrat talking points. Rep. Ryan sets the record straight. (see 2:13min video)